The HTSF is a full-service sequencing facility to assist with your genetic and genomic research. We offer a wide number of library preparations (Illumina kits, non Illumina kits, novel R&D, Oxford Nanopore, BioNano). There are multiple sequencing platforms (MiSeq, NextSeq 2000, NovaSeq 6000, BioNano, Oxford Nanopore). Our services also include using state-of-the-art techniques and data analyses (via our sister core BARC).
Please contact us if you are interested in applications not listed. For input requirements for library preparation methods, please go to the Submissions page for more information.
The HTSF offers multiple library preparation services that include:
- Illumina based technology libraries – manual and robotics production
- Non-Illumina based library preparation
- Custom libraries
- R&D novel library preps – with consultation with HTSF
- Oxford Nanopore and Bionano Libraries
Do not see a library you are thinking about? Have an idea but not sure how to go about it? Come speak with HTSF about your needs, we can make suggestions as to the best options to fit your budget and data needs.
DNA sequencing can be applied to small, targeted regions or the entire genome through a variety of methods, enabling researchers to investigate and better understand health and disease. The HTSF offers various methods of DNA library preparation and sequencing which include Complete Genome Re-Sequencing, Low-Input Double Stranded DNA Products, Metagenomic sequencing, custom library preparation and sequencing, and Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing.
RNA Sequencing with next-generation sequencing (NGS) is frequently the method of choice for researchers studying the transcriptome. The HTSF currently offers various sRNA library preparation and sequencing services which include Total RNA-Seq, mRNA-Seq, and small RNA sequencing.
Currently, the HTSF does not offer non-Illumina library preparation services for both 10X Genomics and HTG EdgeSeq. The HTSF does offer sequencing for these systems. Please review information for these service on this tab. HTSF suggests Cores which can prepare these libraries for you.
Long-read sequencing offers numerous advantages over short-read sequencing via the NovaSeq, HiSeq, NextSeq, and MiSeq. Short read sequencing produces reads of up to 600 bases while long-read sequencing technologies routinely generate reads over 10 kb. Long reads sequencing presents numerous benefits for both de novo and alignment-based genome assembly. Long reads can cover the whole structure variant in one read which results in more accurate genome assemblies and a better understanding of genome architecture in genomic diseases.
Bioinformatics forms an integral part of high throughput sequencing workflow. Bioinformatics and Analytics Research Collaborative (BARC) is a new research support group in UNC-School of Medicine. BARC now includes personnel who provide critical bioinformatics support for UNC-HTSF.