Services Completed in Collaboration with the Bioinformatics and Analytics and Research Collaborative
Bioinformatics forms an integral part of high throughput sequencing workflow. Bioinformatics and Analytics Research Collaborative (BARC) is a new research support group in UNC-School of Medicine. BARC now includes personnel who provide critical bioinformatics support for UNC-HTSF. We manage all data produced by UNC-HTSF starting with initial quality control through the final distribution. BARC personnel are available for advance consultation for researchers looking to get their samples sequenced at UNC-HTSF. BARC can also aid with downstream data analysis after the sequencing is complete. Data analysis support is provided via a “fee for service” model for smaller projects. For large projects (both in terms of number of samples and duration) we can provide embedded and/or dedicated analysis and data management assistance.
For more information on BARC, please contact Dr. Corbin Jones at and Dr. Hemant Kelkar at