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My QAQC results show one of these failures…what do I do?

HTSF will discuss with you the best way to resolve an issue after we run QAQC.

RNA Clean Up Methods

Clean Up Method Resolution for the following Issues
EtOH cleanup degraded samples
RNA XP bead cleanup good for transferring samples if not supplied in DNase/RNase-Free H2O OR potential contamination of the sample
RNA Clean and Concentrator (Zymo research) Column cleanup; use to DNase treat RNA samples
Pippin Prep Size Selection (gel size selection) best for high resolution bp selection; preferred for small RNA cleanup which has primer dimers at 140-160 bp and a library peak at ~180 bp



DNA Clean Up Methods

Clean Up Method Resolution for the following Issues
2x Beadwash good for maximum recovery of sample and to transfer samples from improper submission solution (ex: PCR buffer)

*good for any type of dsDNA material*

0.8x Beadwash  

aggressive beadwash to remove primer dimers in the 100-160 bp range when library size is over 300 bp

1.0x Beadwash  

less aggressive beadwash to remove primer dimers in the 100-160 bp range when library size is ~250 bp


SPRI (two-sided beadwash)  

good for general size selection between 160 bp and 600 bp


Pippin Prep Size Selection (gel size selection)  

best for high resolution bp selection; preferred for small RNA cleanup which has primer dimers at 140-160 bp and a library peak at ~180 bp