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We offer several services outside of our standard Illumina technologies. These library preps sequence on the Illumina platforms. All of these technologies are submitted on TracSeq. Though some may require extra documentation. Please refer to the list below for each service and who to contact to begin the submission process.

HTG Edge

For more information about our HTG technology, please see our Technologies, Alternative Technologies page.

To begin a submission please reach out to HTSF Project coordinators for further details.

  • Libraries are prepared and pooled by Dr. Kumar’s group at NCCU
    • UNC studies can submit the pool to the HTSF
    • Non UNC studies, Dr. Kumar’s group will submit to the HTSF
  • UNC and non UNC data delivery:
    • All data will be sent back to Dr. Kumar’s lab for final processing on the HTG Edge machine as required by this library type
    • Please discuss the final data delivery with the Dr. Kumar lab

10x Genomics

KateFor more information about our 10x Genomics technology, please see our Technologies, Alternative Technologies page.

At this time, the HTSF is not offering 10x Genomics library preparation. If you are unable to make the libraries yourself, we suggest that you contact the Advanced Analytics Core (AACORE).  Please reference the UNC Collaborating Cores page.

To begin a submission, please reach out to customer service for further details.

  • If you have questions about 10x , HTSF is happy to arrange a consult. There are several issues to consider and it is our goal to make the process as smooth as possible.
  • We can also suggest the best sequencing formats to achieve your data goals and account for the unique cycle needs of these library types.
    • Because of the unique cycles, the 10x libraries need to fill the flowcell
    • The submitting study is responsible for confirming the cycles that need to be run. This is because there a numerous kits and version of each. The cycles change depending on the kit, version and platform to be used for sequencing.
  • If AACORE is making the libraries, they can also help you determine the best large format platform to run the libraries.
  • 10x Genomics Library Indexes and Sequencing Requirements found on the Forms and Guides page under Alternative Technologies details the different cycles required based on platform and kit versions. It also lists all the barcode nt sequences for Index set.

Study made 10x libraries (single cell, ATAC, multiomics, etc. versions)

  • Please use TracSeq for submission. Reference HTSF-10x Submission Instructions for Study Made libraries on the Forms and Guides page under Alternative Technologies for detailed information on how to submit to submit libraries along with suggestion for starting cell numbers.
  • Additionally, email the 10x Genomics Manifest for Study Made Libraries with Indexes and Sequencing Requirements which can be found on the Forms and Guides page under Alternative Technology.
    • If AACORE has made your libraries, they will send the 10x manifest filled out for you
    • You will be asked to list each library with in the pool indicating
      • Index set used
      • First barcode nt seq within the set
      • The percent of the pool that is each library
      • The type of library made
    • This document has additional tabs to help you
      • A list of the barcode sequence for each index (based on library type)
      • How to sequence the different libraries based on the kit version, library type and platform
      • This document is necessary for the BioInformatics group to run cell ranger demultiplexing as required by 10x
    • The manifest needs to be sent to the HTSF Project management team to be attached to the submission for the IT staff to access for the demultiplex process with Cell Ranger (required software for 10x Genomics libraries)

Relevant Submissions Submission Forms and Guides

10x Genomics Submission Instructions for HTSF libraries
10x Genomics Submission Instructions for STUDY MADE libraries
10x Genomics Manifest for Study Made Libraries with Indexes and Sequencing Requirements
10x Genomics Library Indexes and Sequencing Requirements