The Department of Allied Health Sciences student ambassadors held its third-annual “Showcase for a Cause” talent show and silent auction on Friday, February 23, at Extraordinary Ventures in Chapel Hill. This event was made possible by our co-sponsor, the UNC Graduate and Professional
Student Federation, as well as auction items contributed by DAHS students and faculty, community members, and local businesses. For the talent portion of the event, students, faculty, and individuals from the chosen charity organization put on a great show. With everyone’s involvement, we were able to raise over $1,360.
This year, the proceeds from the auction benefited GiGi’s Playhouse in Raleigh. This organization serves individuals with Down syndrome and their families by offering a variety of educational, therapeutic, and career building programs, including programs for improving literacy, math skills, motor skills, self-esteem, and workforce preparation. All programs strive to foster acceptance and awareness, and resources are available for parents, siblings, and the community. The DAHS Ambassadors and student services are so excited to be able to provide GiGi’s Playhouse with this donation to help them further their mission in our community.