About Us
Our Mission
The mission of the Department of Health Sciences is to improve the health and wellbeing of all people of North Carolina, the nation, and globally through exemplary and culturally sensitive teaching, innovative research, and person-centered care.
- Exemplary Teaching: To produce a diverse, interprofessional, and culturally competent workforce of health care practitioners, educators, researchers, and health care leaders.
- Innovative Research: To conduct research aimed at generating new knowledge that advances the practices and policies of health care.
- Person-Centered Care: To advance the science and practice of person-centered care with a focus on patient outcomes, families, communities, integrative health care, health promotion/disease prevention, and the improvement of overall quality of life.
Throughout our teaching, research, and clinical care, we are committed to engagement with diverse student, faculty, and patient/client populations and to creating an inclusive and equitable environment in which to work and learn.