Karen McCulloch, PT, PhD, was named Associate Chair for Faculty Affairs in the Department of Health Sciences, effective July 1, 2023.
Dr. McCulloch is a Professor in the Division of Physical Therapy and Director of the Neurologic Physical Therapy Residency Program. She previously served on the School of Medicine APT Committee for promotion of faculty on the fixed-term track and currently serves on the Full Professors’ APT Committee in the Department.
With a background in physical therapy and human movement science, Dr. McCulloch is an active teacher and researcher in the department, with foci in balance and cognitive functioning following traumatic brain injury in adults, return to duty implications for military personnel following a mild brain injury, development of clinical measurement, and motor interventions following a brain injury.
She also maintains a longstanding history of service to the field of physical therapy and is a Fellow of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Dr. McCulloch is also the recipient of the highest award recognition in Physical Therapy, being named The Catherine Worthingham Fellow of the American Physical Therapy Association in 2019, and joins a number of our faculty who have received this national recognition.
“Our department has many talented faculty who are deserving of promotion and recognition, and my role in this position to facilitate overall success in promotions,” said Dr. McCulloch. “This process happens through guidance from Division Directors and a team effort from the Department’s HR representatives and staff to ensure the process goes smoothly for everyone as they move up.”
Dr. McCulloch’s role also involves encouraging faculty recognition through School of Medicine and campus-based awards and programs.