Schedule An Appointment
New Patients
As a specialty practice, to be seen in our clinic all patients must be referred from a physician, physician’s assistant, or nurse practitioner. This helps ensure that all patients who see us will benefit from the visit. Please fax a completed referral form along with relevant medical records (e.g., clinic notes and test results) to the Cardiology Referral Center 984-974-2990. Upon receipt, the staff will review the request and identify a provider. Next, our scheduling team will call to set up an appointment. Finally, we will fax your physician a copy of the appointment time and mail you information about your appointment. Should you need to check to see if an appointment has been made, please call 984-974-2990
Contact Your Provider Directly
MyChart is the best way to directly reach out to your provider for refill requests and non-urgent questions. Please see the MyChart Information section for more details.
Contact Information
UNC Cardiology at Panther Creek
Phone: 984-215-6365
Heart Valve Clinic
Phone: 984-974-7782
Eastowne Cardiology Clinic
Phone: 984-974-7244
Fax: 984-974-2985
Hypertension Clinic
Phone: 984-974-7244