April Goley, RN, MSN, FNP-C, is an expert in glycemic management and improving outcomes in the inpatient setting. Her other interests include cystic fibrosis related diabetes, as well as exercise and its effects on blood glucose levels. April loves her job almost as much as she enjoys a big plate of spaghetti and spending time with her family, which includes their morning radio routine.

What is your role in the Department and what patients do you serve?
My role is within the Endocrine Division where I have had various positions over my 15 years. I am currently the lead APP of the Diabetes Care Team serving hospitalized patients.
Where are you from?
Sumter, SC
Did you always envision yourself as an APP?
I started my college path as a pharmacy major. I was one of those people who loved organic chemistry. I remember working as a pharmacy technician in a retail pharmacy one day when it hit me that a nurse practitioner was what I really wanted to be. I wanted to be more hands on with patients, I loved physiology and had a deep interest in the diagnostic process. A career as a nurse practitioner would allow me to accomplish all those things.
What is the most rewarding part of your work?
I love what I do! I really enjoy the unforeseen that comes along with inpatient care. You truly never know what each day will hold. One of the most rewarding parts of my work is when I can help someone have a deeper understanding of their disease process and help them gain the ability to manage it in a way that makes their life easier.
How has your role evolved over time since you’ve been here?
For several years our inpatient service consisted of an Attending, a fellow and me. Since then, we have grown to four APPs, a fellow and an Attending. I am currently the lead of the Diabetes Care Team within our division.
Personally, or professionally, what are you most proud of?
Personal: running the Boston Marathon. I didn’t start running until I was in my 30s, so starting to run and then qualifying for Boston was kind of a surprise. I never knew I could run that far, nevertheless that fast.
Professionally: I am proud of the growth and progress I have been able to have a part in at UNC. Also, having various roles with the American Diabetes Association including being on the speaker’s bureau and serving on the Prevention Committee have been fulfilling.
If you didn’t have a career in medicine, what would you be doing?
I would be doing something with animals, for sure.
What hobbies do you enjoy outside of work?
If I ever get some free time I still enjoy running. Otherwise, I love quality time with my family, watching my son play soccer and my daughter do gymnastics.
If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
My dad is one of the most positive people I’ve ever known. It’s not specific advice but he always raised my sister and I to see the good in everything. Sometimes you may feel like you must dig deep to find it, but there is always something there. Only you can change your perspective on things.
What do you hope to accomplish in the next year?
There are several things I hope to accomplish next year. One would be to continue to grow our inpatient service. Another would be to continue to conduct more clinical trials in the inpatient setting. A third would be to continue to improve system processes to enable everyone to manage diabetes more effectively.
What’s the last song you listened to?
Good Day- Nappy Roots. It’s kind of a joke at our house. One day the kids were bickering on the way to the bus stop. Instead of telling them to stop (or yelling), I stopped the car and started playing this song very loud. Now we listen to it most mornings! It’s sets the mood for the day.