Meg Berreth, MSN, CNM, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology in the Division of Midwifery, is one of eight nurses who were honored April 3 at the 2019 School of Medicine Nursing Recognition Awards.
Each year the medical school and its physicians recognize outstanding achievement by nursing professionals as a tangible recognition of the countless vital contributions nurses make in support of the patient care, teaching, research and public service missions of the school. Individuals are nominated and then selected for the awards based on demonstrated excellence in nursing practice, evidence of special qualities of caring and compassion and commitment to teaching and education of health science students and health care professionals.
The award comes with a $1,000 stipend that may be used over a three-year period to cover expenses associated with professional development and/or attendance at scientific conferences or meetings.
The nomination for Berreth read, “Meg is a leader in her division and her department. She is not afraid to take on challenges that others might think are too big. Meg represents the best of what our institution has to offer.”
Another nurse in women’s care who was honored is Holly Currin, BSN, RNC-OB, a nurse who serves on the labor and delivery unit at N.C. Women’s Hospital. Currin is also the hospital’s Perinatal Loss Coordinator.
“Holly’s commitment to patient care is above and be-yond. She goes the extra mile all the time, every time. I would absolutely want Holly as the nurse taking care of me and my family,” her nominated stated.