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Kavita Shah Arora, MD, MBE, MS from the UNC Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA. To read the publication by Drs. Kavita Arora and Mara Buchbinder visit here.  Please help us congratulate Dr. Kavita Arora on her hard work. 

“Our article presents an action-oriented framework for institutions to assist ob/gyns in mitigating patient harm and clinician moral distress,” said Dr. Kavita Arora on the recent publication. 

The Journal of the American Medical Association is among the top five journals in all of medicine and science. It is the “most widely circulated general medical journal in the world, with more than 125,000 recipients of the print journal, more than 2.2 million recipients of electronic tables of contents and alerts, and over 30 million annual visits to the journal’s website.” Being published in JAMA is not easy. According to their website, JAMA’s acceptance rate is “12% of the more than 9,500 annual submissions and 5% of the more than 4,800 research manuscripts received.”

Dr. Kavita Shah Arora is the Director of the Division of General Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Midwifery, and an Associate Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UNC Health. She has authored over 100 peer-reviewed publications and has been funded by the NIH, HRSA, Greenwall Foundation, and the Society for Family Planning.