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We want to help our patients make a smooth transition from child-centered care to adult health care. This means we will work with teens, young adults, and their families to help them prepare for adult health care. This process starts between 14 and 16 years old. In child-centered health care, parents make most of the choices. In adult health care, the young adult makes the choices. To help get ready for adult care, we may spend time during some visits with the teen alone.  This allows teens to become more in charge of their own health care.

Teens become legal adults at 18 years of age. Many of our young adult patients still want their family to help in their care. We can share health records with family members with a teen’s consent.

We help young adults and their families decide the best age to change to an adult doctor. This may not be the same for all, but usually happens between 18 and 21 years old. We will help you choose an adult doctor and will send your  records. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us or ask at your next visit.
