Frequently asked questions related to medical school and health care facilities and services.
How do I have a building problem fixed? For any issues you may have (water leaks, air conditioning, heating, electrical, etc.), please call the following numbers:
- For all buildings on the School of Medicine or UNC campus, please call UNC Facilities maintenance at 2-3456 to place a work order. Indicate if it is an emergency (such as an overflowing toilet) or urgent request (1-3 days’ time).
- For leased sites off campus, call the Planning Office at 919-966-2441 if you are not sure whom to call.
- For hospital (or healthcare system-owned) sites, call hospital plant engineering at 919-966-5211.
How do I obtain a floor plan? Please call the Planning Office at 919-966-2441 to request a floor plan printed to scale.
How do I obtain a key or have a lock replaced? If you lose your keys or need an extra key, please call UNC Facilities – Building Services at 919-962-3456 to place a work order for the key. No doors can be re-keyed without permission from the Planning Office. The lock shop personnel will not process a work order for re-keying without this permission.
Do we need to notify the Planning Office about a renovation? There is no need to contact the Planning Office for minor renovations (for example, adding network cabling and data jacks, adding electrical outlets or painting existing walls).You must contact the Planning Office if you plan more substantial renovations (for example, removing or adding walls). We will work with you to ensure that all requirements are met for items such as safety, air flow, and zoning.
How do I schedule a meeting room? Please see the information under the “Meeting Rooms” heading.