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Morse selected as UNC Geriatric Oncology Program Fellow

April 9, 2021
  Congratulations to radiation oncology resident Dr. Ryan Morse on his acceptance into the UNC Geriatric Oncology Training Program (UNC-GO), where he will receive specialized training focused on clinical/translational and/or health services research at the interface of Geriatrics and Oncology. In addition to mentored research projects, UNC-Go Fellows also complete...

Match Day 2019!

March 21, 2019
Match Day – the annual event during which senior medical students learn where they will be doing their internship and residency training in their chosen specialty – was held on Friday, March 15, 2019.  The UNC Department of Radiation Oncology is excited to announce that we matched two outstanding medical...

Pearlstein wins 2018 Cefalo house officer award

October 8, 2018
Congratulations to fourth year radiation oncology resident Dr. Kevin Pearlstein for his receipt of a prestigious 2018 Cefalo house officer award. Cefalo awardees are selected annually by a committee of physicians, nurses, and other clinical and administrative staff, and honor medical residents who exemplify dedication to patients, their families and caregivers,...

Kyle Wang recognized as 2018 Pope Clinical Trainee

June 2, 2018
For his work on trying to reduce side effects of whole brain radiotherapy

Annual ASCO meeting includes UNC Radiation Oncology presentations

June 15, 2017
The Department of Radiation Oncology was again well-represented at the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting June 2-6, 2017 in Chicago. The ASCO Annual Meeting brings together more than 30,000 oncologists and other oncology professionals to discuss state-of-the-art … Continued

Radiation Oncology presentations at George F. Shelton Resident Research Symposium

July 12, 2016
Residents Joe Caster, MD and Kyle Wang, MD participated

Former UNC residents honored

November 9, 2015
Inducted as ASTRO Fellows

Eblan wins third place in poster competition

September 16, 2015
at the UNC Lineberger Annual Scientific Retreat

Radiation Oncology Residency Program honored

August 27, 2015
The Department’s Radiation Oncology Residency Training Program has been voted in the Top 25 nationally based on reputation in the annual Doximity rankings. Doximity is an online professional network for US physicians and is currently used by an estimated 60% … Continued

Falchook receives Pope Clinical Fellows Award

July 15, 2015
Chief Resident Dr. Aaron Falchook is one of three recipients of the 2015 Pope Clinical Fellows Award, a prestigious honor recognizing excellence in cancer-related research by aspiring physician-scientists. This UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center award is given annually, with each … Continued