In a recent interview on NBC 17 TV, Benjamin E. Haithcock, MD, a UNC cardiothoracic surgeon, discusssed disparities in treatment of lung cancer. He discussed the same topic at a Lung Cancer Awareness Symposium at UNC’s Lineberger Cancer Research Center on Nov. 17.
Glenda Frazier, 40, came to UNC from Fort Bragg after a doctor found a spot on her left lung. Dr. Haithcock biopsied the lung, discovered cancer, and then removed part of Frazier’s lung using minimally invasive surgery.
Frazier was lucky because of the early diagnosis, but also because she got the right treatment.
Haithcock says she’s an exception. He believes too many people, especially African Americans, don’t try to seek specialized care or learn about treatment options that could save their lives. He says patients should always talk to their doctors about their options before agreeing to treatment.
Read the story by NBC 17’s Julie Henry broadcast Nov. 16. (All photos, video and text are copyrighted and are used courtesy of NBC 17 TV (WNCN, Raleigh).)