Who Can Join?
Time to Conceive Eligibility Criteria
You may be ELIGIBLE if:
- You are a 30 to 44-year-old woman,
- You are hoping to get pregnant and
- are about to start trying or
- have been trying to get pregnant for less than 3 months.
- You live in the Triangle area of North Carolina.
You are not ELIGIBLE if:
You have a history of infertility or fertility treatments,
- Your partner has a history of infertility or fertility treatments,
- You cannot read or speak English,
- You are currently breastfeeding,
- You have used hormone shots for birth control in the past year,
- You have a history of Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOS), or a history of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).
Eligibility questions? Contact us!
The criteria listed above are our basic eligibility requirements. We have a more in-depth screening questionnaire that is completed over the phone or via email. We will also explain the study in broader detail during this interview. If you would like to be screened for Time to Conceive, please give us a call at 919-843-8246, or send us an email at fertility@unc.edu.