STARx Consent Forms
Study consent form for the Successful Transition to Adulthood with Therapeutics (STARx) study. These consent forms also cover the PARENT Protocol.
Child Assent Form (7 – 14)
This is the Child Assent Form (ages 7 – 14) associated with the STARx IRB.
Adolescent Assent Form (15 – 17)
This is the Adolescent Assent Form (ages 15 – 17) associated with the STARx IRB.
Adult Consent Form (18+)
This is the Adult Consent Form associated with the STARx IRB.
Parental Permission Consent Form (under 18)
This is the Parental Permission Consent Form associated with the STARx IRB.
HIPAA Authorization Form
This is the HIPAA Authorization Form associated with the STARx IRB.
STARx Transition IRB
IRB application that encompasses all of our transition-related studies.