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Resources and information on transitioning from pediatric to adult health care.

A letter from a parent to a young-adult with a chronic condition:

“There are no words that can ever express my love and gratitude for you. The moment I knew you were coming to this world you changed my life…I could not wait to see your face! I was ready for your birth, I was ready to hold you and love you…words cannot describe how I felt when I saw your face and your little hand held my finger as a new born …You were looking around to this new world…the bright lights all the new things for you to learn about…Here you are, 36 years later, a lifetime of fun, challenges, pain, happiness, joy, satisfaction, frustrations, defeats, victories …but most often smiles and hugs. Your brave heart, your strength and wisdom and your love to us all have been a blessing. I thank God for one of the most wonderful gifts we received: you…
You, and your siblings are treasures and good people who are a positive legacy to this world…and the reason all of us around you, want to do and be well…Happy, happy birthday my dear son and we celebrate with you. Love always, tu mami”

Learn more about transitioning from pediatric to adult care
Check out some of our resources!

1. TRxANSITION Scale™ Educational Handouts

2. Helpful Links

3. Questions to Ask Your Kidney Doctor

4. UNC STARx Program’s 2015 Annual Report

5. Kidney Notes™

6. Vocational Rehabilitation FAQ