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Obama administration awards CGEC additional funds to fight Alzheimer’s disease

August 29, 2012
New Training in Alzheimer's Disease

CGEC Trains over 1,600 Nationwide

August 10, 2012
CGEC expands outreach in Year 2

NC Mental Health and Aging Coalition accepted by National Group

July 26, 2012
The NC Mental Health and Aging Coalition now a member of National Group

NC Mental Health Fact Sheets

May 30, 2012
NC Mental Health Fact Sheets ready for public distribution!

Health Literacy Course for Faculty Begins

January 30, 2012
15 Scholars from around the state joined the Faculty Development course this year.

CGEC attends Congressional Briefing on Falls

October 20, 2011
Ellen Schneider, Carolina Geriatric Education Center, assisted in planning and participated in the Congressional Falls Prevention Briefing held in Washington, D.C. on September 21st. The purpose of the meeting was to raise awareness of the growing public health issue of older adult falls and to discuss a new study in...

CGEC Begins Ambitious Research Project

August 8, 2011
CGEC staff in partnership with NC AHEC providers will begin to study change in practice across X counties in NC. The CGEC piloted this approach last year targeting physician practices in the western part of the state. “Physicians are not as aware of falls risk and prevention as they should...

CGEC Collaboratively Leads New Coalition on Mental Health

August 5, 2011
On June 7, 2011, over 30 professionals from various disciplines attended the first meeting of the new North Carolina Mental Health and Aging Coalition (MHAC) held in Raleigh. The purpose of the MHAC is to bring collaborative attention and action to the mental health needs of older North Carolinians. Older...

CGEC Research Featured at Prestigious PT Conference

August 5, 2011
Tiffany Shubert PT PhD wants more seniors to exercise to prevent falls. “Physical Therapy benefits everyone but access is limited under our current systems.” Dr. Shubert explains. By creating partnerships between The Administration on Aging, and state Departments of Public Health, senior centers and physical therapy professionals preventative exercise programs...