For nearly 30 years, Angela Monnig has served patients at UNC, most recently as a CRNA at UNC Hillsborough and previously at UNC Hospitals’ CVTICU and as a research nurse for anesthesia. In December 2023, Angela retires from UNC, well-remembered for her commitment to service and fondly missed by her nursing colleagues and the department.
Judy Kane, UNC Hospitals Hillsborough campus CRNA Clinical Lead and a close friend of Angela Monnig’s, noted: “She came from UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill to the [Hillsborough campus] the very first day the ORs opened over here [in 2015]. She has made UNC a better place with her incredible proficiency and compassion. Her skills are top notch. She has a work ethic like no other. We all know to scatter when Angela comes down the hall with a stretcher – she is a woman on a mission. Angela has been both a mentor in anesthesia but also in her gracious and generous thoughts and actions outside of the OR.”
UNC Hospitals Chapel Hill Chief CRNA Aaron Lemmon added: “Angela has been instrumental in the success of the UNC Hillsborough campus, being one of the core team members since the doors opened. Throughout her career Angela has been a driven, compassionate and highly skilled anesthesia provider who placed her patient’s needs above all else. The sheer number of lives that she has touched over the course of her career is incredible and she will be missed by our department.”
Angela shared a favorite quote from Dr. Seuss: “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”
The UNC Department of Anesthesiology would like to thank Angela for her expertise, hard work and compassion. We are so fortunate to call you a colleague and a friend. Congratulations on a well-deserved retirement!