We are pleased to announce that UNC ERAS team members will present an abstract as a poster presentation at the Society for Surgical Oncology’s annual cancer symposium March 15-18 in Seattle, Washington. This abstract was selected from a large number of excellent submissions, and the department is very proud of our collaboration with the Dept. of Surgery.

Details below:
Event: SS2O17
Poster Topic: Hepato-pancreato-biliary Posters
Presenter: Shachar Laks, University of North Carolina
Author: Drs. Shachar Laks and HJ Kim represent the Department of Surgery! Faculty authors included Rob Isaak and Lavinia Kolarczyk represent the Department of Anesthesiology! Other department authors include Lyla Hance.
Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) for Pancreatectomy: Increased Intraoperative Vasopressor Use Does Not Increase Pancreatic Fistula Rates
S Laks, L Kolarczyk, P Strassle, R Isaak, L Hance, HJ Kim