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: Elizabeth Aguero (nominated by Emily Teeter): “Thank you for spending an endless amount of time, energy and coordination getting us up to speed on Thalamus for residency interviews.  The first day was super smooth thanks to you!”

TECH: Tanika Jones (nominated by a kind soul with an indiscernible signature): “Always willing to help! No matter how many times called on very well detailed. Great asset to the team.”

CRNA: Bridget Eady (nominated by Aaron Lemmon) “Bridget responded to a code in peds cath lab.  She was commended for her help with a challenging situation in an outer location.”

RESIDENT: Mark Hanlon (nominated by Alex Doyal) “EVS was literally out to lunch and no one turned over OR 22.  Mark pitched in by mopping the floor and assisting the circulator in cleaning the room. I was very impressed by his positive, can-do attitude.”

FACULTY: Mia Kang (nominated by Ben Cobb) “Always willing to pitch in with relief in the afternoons, especially to get non-call residents out.”