In February 2024, UNC Global Anesthesia made strides advancing anesthesia care in Lilongwe, Malawi, thanks to the teaching leadership of two UNC Anesthesiology senior residents (CA-3)s, one fellow, and two clinical faculty visiting Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH) for two weeks. On a global health elective during their senior year as UNC Project Malawi participants, CA-3s Drs. Jen Tripi and Lauren Blake were joined by Robin Leopold (2023-2024 Pediatric Fellow), Michael Hart (UNC Obstetric Anesthesiologist), and Elisa Lund (UNC Regional Anesthesiologist) on this spring trip to Lilongwe. Together, the trainee/faculty team worked alongside and trained KCH health officers through guiding procedural anesthesia care in the OR, teaching lectures and point of care ultrasound (POCUS) workshops, as well as running simulation sessions.