Using Competency-Based Assessments to Coach Professional Development in Pre-Clerkship Trainees August 12, 2021 Faculty experts from Vanderbilt University
How to cut through the clutter: Designing high-impact email messages and presentation slides October 29, 2020 Dr. Patricia Harms, Clinical Professor of Management and Corporate Communication P.Harms, PhD-How to cut through the clutter (Slides) Business Communication Resource Reading List 10.2020
Survey Design (2020) January 22, 2020 “Survey Design” Andrew Phillips, MD, MEd 2020_UNC_survey_methods (Slides)
Building an OSCE Program for Evaluating ACGME Milestones January 9, 2020 “Building an OSCE Program for Evaluating ACGME Milestones” Rob Isaak, DO, FASA
Curriculum Development November 19, 2019 “Curriculum Development” AnnaMarie Connolly, MD Note: We suffered audio issues during this workshop, so the recording only features half of the session. Thank you for your understanding.
Professionalism & Professional Identity Formation at RSOM (Renaissance School of Medicine) September 25, 2019 “Professionalism & Professional Identity Formation at RSOM (Renaissance School of Medicine)” Lisa Strano-Paul, MD, FACP