Using Competency-Based Assessments to Coach Professional Development in Pre-Clerkship Trainees
August 12, 2021
Faculty experts from Vanderbilt University
Faculty experts from Vanderbilt University
Dr. Patricia Harms, Clinical Professor of Management and Corporate Communication P.Harms, PhD-How to cut through the clutter (Slides) Business Communication Resource Reading List 10.2020
“Survey Design” Andrew Phillips, MD, MEd 2020_UNC_survey_methods (Slides)
“Building an OSCE Program for Evaluating ACGME Milestones” Rob Isaak, DO, FASA
“Curriculum Development” AnnaMarie Connolly, MD Note: We suffered audio issues during this workshop, so the recording only features half of the session. Thank you for your understanding.
“Professionalism & Professional Identity Formation at RSOM (Renaissance School of Medicine)” Lisa Strano-Paul, MD, FACP