The Center for Animal MRI (CAMRI) at the BRIC received a $2M award from NIH High-End-Instrumentation program. This award will be used to purchase a new 9.4T-20cm MRI system from Burker Biospin. The system will come with the newest Avance Neo console and bring the latest high field MR technologies to UNC. In addition to the MRI system, CAMRI also receives an NC Biotech Institutional Development Grant which will contribute in part to purchase a 4-channel cryogenetic imaging coil array that can be used for rat and mouse brain imaging. This coil will boost signal-to-noise by up to 2.5 fold. UNC is expected to be the first site in the US to have a setting of this kind. Together, the additional scanner and the new cryogenetic coil will significantly enhance the capacity and quality of our service to animal MR imaging community. Congratulations to Dr. Ian Shih and his team!