CHER Terms
Ecological Systems Theory
The Ecological Systems theory states that human development is influenced by the different types of environmental systems. Formulated by famous psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner, this theory helps us understand why we may behave differently when we … Read more
Equitable Development Toolkit
Toolkit to create equity across the board, especially racial equity.
Evidence Based Intervention
An intervention that has been proven to show some sort of effective result in remedying a problem.
Evidence-Based Toolkits for Rural Community Health
A collection of toolkits ranging from care coordination to services integration. Resources to help foster effective community health.
FrameWorks Institute
Toolkit to discover and communicate racial-equity policies
Fundamental Cause Theory
Describes the relationship between socioeconomic status and health in communities, by saying that SES is the underlying reason for health inequities, as SES dictates the access to resources, education, jobs, etc.
Global Health Observatory Monitor
WHO’s health equity repository

Health Belief Model
The beliefs towards the risks of certain behaviors influence individuals’ actions/perceived benefits in preventing the behavior.

Health Disparities
Preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or opportunities to achieve optimal health that are experienced by socially disadvantaged populations.
Health Equities
Attainment of the highest level of health for all people.
Health Equity Peer Educator
Basic presentation about the social determinants of health and health equity.
Health Equity Reports by State and Territory
NC state report card of health disparities (2008 data)
Health Equity: A Public Health Essential
One and a half hour online course about health disparities and the community framework that shapes health equity.

Health Indicators
A measurable characteristic that describes: the health of a population, determinants of health, healthcare access, cost, quality, and use.
Health Outcome
Changes in health that result from measures or specific health care investments.
Health Research and Educational Trust Disparities Toolkit
Provides hospitals and health systems with information about race, ethnicity, and language data from patients
Healthy Community Design Toolkit
A toolkit for incorporating health into the community planning process. Engaging public health professionals and planners.
Healthy People 2020
Database to explore interventions and research on the social determinants of health.
Information Processing Paradigm
Impact of persuasive communication, which can be part of a social marketing campaign to increase positive health behaviors, is mediated by three phases of message processing– attention to the message, comprehension of the content, and … Read more
Information-Motivation-Behavioural Skills Theory
This theory focuses on three components that result in behaviour change: information, motivation and behaviour skills. Information relates to the basic knowledge about a medical condition, and is an essential prerequisite for behaviour change but … Read more