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The UNC Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC) offers a range of services to approved IDDRC investigators. These services are provided by three research cores: the Clinical Translational Core, Preclinical Core, and Data Science Core. These IDDRC cores are approved annually by the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Branch (IDDB) of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). If you are a researcher interested in accessing the IDDRC Core Services, follow the steps below.

  • Researchers must have an externally funded or pending project to qualify. NIH/NSF grants receive the highest priority. Consideration is given to investigators with a substantial track record of non-NIH/NSF funding with the promise of federal funding. Approximately 10% of projects accessing the Research Cores will have non-federal grant support.
  • Early-stage investigators in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are encouraged to apply. Because of this, exceptions for funding requirements may be made for junior investigators without funding. Pilot support may also be available on an individual basis.
  • The project must be relevant to the field of IDD and missions and themes of the Center.
  • If you are approved to be an IDDRC investigator, you are encouraged to participate in Center activities when possible.
  • Approved IDDRC investigators must also:
    • Complete an NICHD annual renewal for each ongoing project
    • Acknowledge core support where relevant on publications using the following text: This research was supported by the UNC Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center (IDDRC), P50 HD103573.

Prior to applying, prospective applicants should schedule a meeting with relevant IDDRC research core directors to discuss the appropriateness of a given project for core access.

Contact information:

To learn more about the cores, visit the UNC IDDRC page.

With approval by a core director, please submit the following to Angela Cousins

You will receive confirmation that your application has been received.

After receipt of your application materials, the IDDRC Director and Co-Director will complete a review with feedback from the Executive Committee. Application reviews typically occur within 2 – 3 months of applying.

For questions about applying, please contact Angela Cousins.