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November 2020 Patient Newsletter

November 25, 2020
Information on Respiratory Testing At this time, we are taking precautions to make sure the Family Medicine Center is safe for patients, staff and providers. Because of this, if it is determined you need a throat swab, flu test or COVID test we will arrange for you to get this...

April 2019 Newsletter

April 2, 2019
UNC School of Medicine #1 2020 In the annual rankings of “America’s Best Graduate Schools,” U.S. News & World Report ranked UNC School of Medicine 1st in primary care for the second year in a row, thanks to our faculty, staff, learners, and our colleagues in other primary care departments...

March 2019 Patient Newsletter

April 1, 2019
FMC Hours Update Starting March 6th, the FMC will open at 9:00AM on Wednesdays, instead of 8:30AM. This does not affect our Urgent Care Hours, which remain the same. To see a full list of our hours, select here. Let’s Talk Health: Screening saves lives Did you know that colorectal...

February 2019 Patient Newsletter

February 5, 2019
Let’s talk health: Heart Health & Medication Management Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the entire world. In the United States, 1 in every 3 deaths is due to heart disease. Luckily heart disease is something you can help prevent. Many forms of heart disease are...

January 2019 Patient Newsletter

January 14, 2019
Healthy Moms, Healthy Families IMPLICIT Inter-conception Care (Interventions to Minimize Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants through Continuous Improvement Techniques) In the postpartum period, women often revert to behaviors (i.e. smoking) that put them and their future pregnancies at risk. Following pregnancy, maternal and family focus shifts from caring for the...

December 2018 Patient Newsletter

November 3, 2018
December holiday hours The winter holidays are here! The UNC Family Medicine Center and our Urgent Care will have modified hours through the end of December and beginning of January. Please read below: 12/21: FMC is open from 8AM-5PM and Urgent Care is open from 7AM-9PM 12/22: Same day clinic at the...

November 2018 Patient Newsletter

November 1, 2018
 Let’s talk health with Dr. Neutze: Pneumonia Vaccines for 65+ Every year, pneumonia kills thousands of adults, and leads to many more hospitalizations. Pneumonia is an infection caused by a certain type of bacteria—it can range in severity, from a cough and a fever to a blood infection (call bacteremia),...

October 2018 Patient Newsletter

October 2, 2018
Thanksgiving Hours at Family Medicine UNC Family Medicine and UNC Urgent Care at the Family Medicine Center will be closed, Thursday, November 22nd.  Friday, November 23rd, there will be limited hours. There will be same-day appointments at the Family Medicine Center 8AM – 12PM, and Urgent Care will be open...

September 2018 Patient Newsletter

August 28, 2018
Let’s talk health: Flu myths busted, and where to get your flu shot At Family Medicine, we believe in preventive steps to ensure the health and well-being of our patients—you! Since flu season is on the horizon, we’re taking time to dispel some of the myths associated with the flu...

August 2018 Patient Newsletter

August 8, 2018
 Let’s Talk Health with Dr. Neutze At Family Medicine, we want to offer the best, most efficient care, whether it is during the day, in the evenings or on the weekend. Why should you have a primary care doctor?  A primary care provider (PCP) will see you for chronic conditions,...

May 2018 Newsletter

May 31, 2018
May is Mental Health Awareness Month Your health care team at UNC Family Medicine wants to help you live your best life. In addition to highly ranked medical services, we provide a number of behavioral health services at the Family Medicine Center—from tobacco cessation to care management and resiliency services,...

April 2018 Newsletter

May 2, 2018
Celebrating Carolina Care Excellence The UNC Medical Center just congratulated 173 providers who received the 2018 UNC Health Care and UNC Faculty Physicians Award for Carolina Care Excellence. Today we are celebrating the 17 Family Medicine doctors who made the list this year! After each doctor’s visit, UNC Health Care...

March 2018 Newsletter

April 11, 2018
UNC School of Medicine Ranked #1 in Primary Care UNC School of Medicine was ranked #1 in primary care in the recent US News and World Report rankings for 2018.  This is recognition of UNC’s commitment to provide the highest quality of primary care education and healthcare for the needs...