Friday – GMB/BCB Seminar Series: Peter Castaldi
1131 Bioinformatics Building 125 Mason Farm Road, Chapel HillWeek of Events
Tuesday – GMB Student Seminar Series: Mahmoud & Lester
Tuesday – GMB Student Seminar Series: Mahmoud & Lester
Genetics & Molecular Biology Student Seminar Series Weekly seminar series featuring talks from the students of the UNC Curriculum in Genetics & Molecular Biology. This week’s speakers are Mohamed Mahmoud from the Jeff Sekelsky Lab and Sarah Lester from the Samir Kelada and Karen Mohlke Labs.
Tuesday – GMB Defense: Kevin Field
Tuesday – GMB Defense: Kevin Field
GMB Curriculum Student Defense GMB Curriculum Student Defense: Kevin Field, student of Ian Davis. Presented in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Thursday – Genetics/Computational Medicine/Cancer Center Faculty Candidate Seminar: Inna Averbukh
Thursday – Genetics/Computational Medicine/Cancer Center Faculty Candidate Seminar: Inna Averbukh
Genetics/Computational Medicine/Cancer Center Faculty Candidate Seminar: Inna Averbukh "Quantitative and Spatial Approaches to Women's Health" Inna Averbukh, PhD Postdoctoral Scholar Stanford University
Wednesday – Department of Genetics Colloquium: Christoph Rau
Wednesday – Department of Genetics Colloquium: Christoph Rau
Genetics Research Colloquium The UNC Department of Genetics Research Colloquium welcomes Christoph Rau, Assistant Professor, UNC Department of Genetics and Computational Medicine Program, on Wednesday, February 5, 2025. But What's In It? Better Understanding Heart Failure Through the Lens of Cell-Type Composition
Thursday – BCB Student Seminar Series: Kamat, Joshi, & Giri
Thursday – BCB Student Seminar Series: Kamat, Joshi, & Giri
Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Student Seminar Series Weekly seminar series featuring talks from the students of the UNC Curriculum in Bioinformatics & Computational Biology. This week’s speakers are Kalika Kamat from the Martin Ferris & Mark Heise Labs, Keya Joshi from the Yinglong Miao Lab, and Gilbert Giri from the Daniel Dominguez Lab.
Friday – GMB/BCB Seminar Series: Peter Castaldi
Friday – GMB/BCB Seminar Series: Peter Castaldi
GMB/BCB Friday Seminar Series The GMB/BCB Friday Seminar Series welcomes Peter Castaldi, Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, on Friday, February 7, 2025. Dr. Castaldi’s talk title is “Feeling the Stress: How GWAS Reveals Links Between COPD, Alternative Splicing, and Nonsense-Mediated Decay”. Dr. Castaldi is hosted by Alain Laederach, Professor of Biology.