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Professor, Biology Professor, Genetics Chair, Department of Biology

Research Interests

Keywords: Epigenetic control of genome structure and function, cell cycle-regulated gene expression, developmental genetics

Lab Website

One of the most fundamental aspects of animal development is the control of progression through the cell cycle. Without this control there would be no coordination between cell proliferation and the formation of the gross anatomy of an organism. In my laboratory we study how different cell lineages control genome duplication and expression during development. We use genetic, genomic and cell biological approaches in Drosophila to examine how chromatin organization influences DNA replication during S phase, and how the expression of the genes encoding the basic building blocks of chromatin, the histones, is controlled and influenced by a phase-transitioned nuclear body called the histone locus body.

Mentor Training:

  • Culturally Aware Mentoring
  • Faculty Mentoring Workshop for Biomedical Researchers
  • Safe Zone

Training Program Affiliations:

  • Biology
  • Genetics and Molecular Biology


Robert Duronio in UNC Genetics News

Robert J. Duronio, PhD