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COVID-19 Updates for March 18, 2020

As discussed on the departmental call today, below are relevant links and important updates regarding COVID-19 preparedness, UNC reduced operations, COVID-19 testing support for State Health Lab, NIH updates related to grant/RPPR deadlines, and UNC Research key takeaways for researchers.

Parking on Campus:  Craige Deck, Jackson Deck, S-11 and S-12 Lots Open for Staff/Providers Starting March 18

The University announced that beginning Wednesday, March 18, on-campus parking is available throughout campus for mandatory employees, students, and UNC Health colleagues reporting to work. Note:

  • The Dogwood Deck and Ambulatory Care Center lot remain reserved for patients and visitors only.
  • The Craige Deck, Jackson Deck and the S-11 lot will be open for our staff and providers.
  • The Bell Tower Deck and Cardinal Deck will remain reserved for those with University parking passes.
  • To ensure access in the event of an emergency and to maintain services, parking is not permitted in fire lanes or in accessibility/reserved spaces without the appropriate parking pass.
  • Updates on parking operations can be found here.

Reduced Operations and Reporting to Campus:  According to the Chancellor’s email sent on 3/17/20, For this COVID-19 issue, the UNC System has changed the definition of mandatory employee to: employees who are directed by their supervisor to report to work, at a designated university worksite other than their personal residence, at specific dates and times. It is possible that an employee will have a portion of duties that are on campus and can fulfill the remainder of their duties remotely.

  • Effective immediately and until further notice, only mandatory employees under this new definition who need to report to work on campus should do so. All non-mandatory employees – including temporary employees and student workers – will continue to be assigned work and will be expected to work remotely to the fullest extent possible.
  • Supervisors are responsible for designating mandatory employees, and for assigning and tracking their non-mandatory employees’ remote work. To be clear, these changes do not remove employee’s responsibilities to complete their work assignments. Supervisors should work with HR Representatives to ensure mandatory employee designations are logged in the ConnectCarolina system.
  • Mandatory and non-mandatory employees – including temporary employees and student workers – who cannot work remotely for either of the following reasons will receive paid administrative leave until March 31, 2020, for the period of time they are unavailable to work.
    • Because of childcare or eldercare needs due to COVID-19-related school and facility closings; or
    • Because their position duties cannot be performed remotely and no alternate remote work is available or feasible.
  • This guidance, which is provided by the UNC System, is effective immediately through March 31, 2020 and will be revisited as the situation evolves. Further updates will be provided.
  • Employees who are sick due to symptoms of a cold, flu, or COVID-19 or who are caring for a dependent with such symptoms will receive paid administrative leave for any time lost through March 31, 2020.

COVID-19 Testing Support for State Health Lab:   My name is Dr. Kim Janssen, and I’m the Deputy Chief Medical Examiner at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Raleigh and former UNC resident. Our office shares the building with the State Lab of Public Health, who as I’m sure you know is fighting an uphill battle to complete all the necessary COVID19 testing to serve the citizens of NC. They have reached out to our department to see if we have any employees who are cross trained in bench work who may be able to provide assistance with the additional workload. (Unfortunately we don’t have any.)  I am reaching out to see if you have anyemployees that may have the necessary benchwork experience and may have the availability to help out our State Lab if they are currently in settings with reduced hours. Do you know of any employees with mainly research responsibilities who will have reduced hours or any clinical laboratory students who may be able to help?  

If you know of anyone, could you please forward this email to them or the proper supervisors? Elizabeth White is the contact for the NCSLPH- she is asking for their CV/Resume and to include their availability. They can directly contact her at I was told that the state would be able to waive the dual employment restriction for this. The State Lab is currently working on setting up the logistics of adding to their workforce, so please be patient if you don’t hear an immediate response from them. Any response is greatly appreciated, and they will answer questions as soon as they can.

NIH Updates Related to Grant Funding Opportunities and Deadlines:  Please go this link to find COVID-19 resources for applicants and recipients of NIH funding.

UNC Research COVID-19 Updates:  Please go to this link for real-time resources about UNC Research and COVID-19.

Updates will be added to the Department website routinely.  Please check back for more information as it becomes available.