The UNC Department of Medicine ranked 23rd in the country in total National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding for federal fiscal year 2023 and 8th among peer public universities, according to a new report published by the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research.
Division of Rheumatology, Allergy & Immunology
Saira Sheikh, MD, Vimal Derebail, MD, MPH, and Tessa Englund received a $25K Aurinia’s 2024 Community Impact Grant Award for the project, ““Bridging the Gap: A Community-Engaged Approach to Overcome Healthcare Barriers for Patients with SLE & Lupus Nephritis.”
Division of Cardiology
The Lab of Robert Wirka, MD, received an R01 grant, entitled “The role of Twist1 in smooth muscle cells during atherosclerosis”, from NIH’s NHLBI.
Brian Jensen, MD, received an R01 ($1.4M direct) from the NHLBI to study the effects of MEK and MEK inhibitors on mitochondria in cardiomyocytes and triple negative breast cancer cells. Co-investigators include William Kim, MD.
Division of Hematology
Nigel Key, MD, and Rafal Pawlinski, PhD received an R01 in the amount of $720,846 from the NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute for their project titled, “Mechanisms of venous thrombosis and renal dysfunction in sickle trait.”