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LAM-Foundation-pulmonary-medicineLymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare and progressive lung disease that primarily affects women and has no known cure. The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Interstitial Lung Disease Center (UNC ILD Center) is pleased to announce that UNC has been chosen to be the first LAM and Rare Lung Disease Clinic in North Carolina or Virginia.

There are 35 LAM and Rare Lung Disease Clinics throughout the United States and 30 International sites across 6 continents. The LAM Foundation aims to improve the care and treatment for all women with LAM. LAM Clinics are strategically located in hospitals or medical centers across the United States where there are clinicians and researchers who have an interest in LAM and who value research in rare diseases. Rare lung conditions of interest include Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis, Sjogren’s Syndrome, and Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, among others.

The UNC ILD Center looks forward to collaborative care and innovative research with experts from across the globe for these unique patients. The UNC ILD Center includes pulmonologists, (Jason Lobo, MD, Christine Vigeland, MD, Kunal Patel, MD, PhD, and Brent Kinder, MD), thoracic radiologists, rheumatologists, and lung pathologists.

Learn more about the US LAM Clinics and Research Network.