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UNC Eye Cataract specialist delivers two lectures at Visiting Professor Rounds in New York City.

Kenneth Cohen, MD with residents and faculty at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital, Bronx, NY

Visiting Professor Cohen

Kenneth Cohen, MD recently traveled to Bronx-Lebanon Hospital, in Bronx, NY and lectured to ophthalmology residents, optometry residents, and faculty on Phacodynamics, followed by a separate lecture on The Mature White Cataract, as part of their ‘Visiting Professor Rounds’ series.

“Dr. Martin Mayers, the Chairman at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital, found my on-line cataract surgical curriculum for resident teaching and fell in love with it,” said Dr. Cohen. “Dr. Mayers felt it would be valuable to expose the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital ophthalmology residents to my experience teaching residents cataract surgery.”

Chief Resident, Jing Grace Wang, D.O., PhD., reflected, “It is definitely very informative and helps us understand the phacodynamics, chopping technique, and how to evaluate and operate on white cataracts. We look forward to hearing from Dr. Cohen again next time.”

Upcoming Lectures featuring Dr. Cohen

While not yet firmly scheduled, Dr. Cohen is likely to return in March 2016 to lecture at Bronx-Lebanon again. He is also invited to be a facilitator and participate in the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) Young Eye Surgeons web seminar on September 30, 2015.