Fundraising, Marketing, Informational Newsletter Guidelines
The uses and disclosures of PHI for Fundraising and Marketing purposes should be limited and may require patient authorization depending on the format and content.
Follow the guidelines to use any patient information in support of clinical services for fundraising, marketing and informational newsletter communications. The guidelines expand upon the UNC Health Uses and Disclosures of PHI for Fundraising Purposes Policy which applies to workforce members of the UNC School of Medicine (SOM).
A communication to an individual by a covered entity (or the entity’s business associate or institutionally related foundation) for the purposes of raising funds for the covered entity. Fundraising communications include solicitations for donations or gifts, sponsorship of events, and communications for events or activities. Learn More
A communication about a product or service that encourages recipients of the communication to purchase or use the product or service. HIPAA generally prohibits use of PHI for marketing activities without prior patient authorization.Learn More
Mass mailings and communications such as newsletters that do not use PHI to identify the recipients of the mailing would not fall under the HIPAA regulations.Learn More
A table outlining each communication style, definitions, and HIPAA authorization requirements can be found here.Learn More