Learners and Fellows
Dr. Darville has received many education awards from medical students and resident physicians and is an active lecturer for continuing medical education courses related to pediatric infectious diseases. She regularly participates in the mentorship of PhD students, MD-PhD students and post-doctoral fellows. Dr. Darville is also the Co-Director of UNC’s MD-PhD training program, which oversees the education of 79 trainees.
Dr. Belhorn is the co-director and major lecturer in the immunology course for first-year medical school students and gives lectures on infectious disease topics throughout the medical school curriculum. He has received several teaching awards at UNC, was appointed to the Academy of Educators of the UNC School of Medicine in 2010, and was elected by students as a faculty recipient in the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society in 2014 in part due to efforts in education. Dr. Belhorn gives frequent lectures on infectious disease topics to audiences ranging from fellow physicians to the general public.
Dr. Willis has a long standing interest in medical education and frequently works in clinical practice with medical students and pediatric residents. In his role as Director of the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program, he teaches clinicians at all levels about antibiotics and the consequences of their overuse.
Fellowship Program
Dr. Belhorn currently serves as the Director of the UNC Pediatric Infectious Disease Fellowship Program. Dr. Darville served as Fellowship Director at two previous academic institutions and contributed to the mentorship of ten Pediatric ID fellows, six of whom have appointments at US academic institutions and four of whom are active in research with extramural grant support.
For information regarding our UNC Infectious Disease Fellowship Program, please click here.