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Nature Structural & Molecular Biology Publication by the Brown Lab

October 4, 2023
The work of Brown Lab on polyubiquitination by APC/C is published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology!

First-Author Cell Chemical Biology Publication by Amanda Graboski From the Redinbo Lab

September 22, 2023
Congratulations to Amanda Graboski for her first-author paper in Cell Chemical Biology!

Graydon Gereau is First Author on McElligott Lab Article Published in Journal of Neurochemistry!

June 28, 2023
Congratulations to Graydon (Grey) Gereau, graduate student from the McElligott lab, on his FIRST first-author paper exploring neurotensin transmission through the brain-body connection!

Biosensors based on peptide exposure show single molecule conformations in live cells.

October 11, 2021
The Cell article from the Hahn and Elston labs describes a new approach to visualize the changing conformations of individual molecules in living cells, affording insight into the organization and dynamics of kinase signaling.

Parsing Dopamine’s Different Pain Sensitivity Role in Males, Females

March 19, 2021
Tom Kash's lab shows how neurons in two brain regions use dopamine to promote pain responses differently in male and female mice in a paper in Neuron this week.

In silico APC/C substrate discovery reveals cell cycle-dependent degradation of UHRF1 and other chromatin regulators.

December 14, 2020
Michael Emanuele's and Nicholas Brown's Labs have published a paper in PLOS Biology! Check it out!

Jonathan Schisler co-author two papers on NASA space flight studies published in Cell and Cell Reports

December 14, 2020
Congratulations to Jonathan Schisler who co-authored two papers published in Cell and Cell Reports a week apart detailing the results of NASA space flight studies.

Content and Performance of the MiniMUGA Genotyping Array, a New Tool To Improve Rigor and Reproducibility in Mouse Research

November 6, 2020
The Mauro Calabrese & Jonathan Schisler labs contributed to a genetics study published in the Nov. 2020 issue of Genetics to improve rigor and reproducibility in mouse research.

Jonathan Schisler paper shows how kinase G cardioprotective effects are mediated by protein quality control enzyme CHIP

November 5, 2020
The Nature Communications paper details how the cardioprotective effects of protein kinase G are mediated by the protein quality control enzyme CHIP, reducing proteotoxicity in heart failure. Becky Sanchez is coauthor.

High-density amplicon sequencing identifies community spread and ongoing evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in the Southern United States

October 23, 2020
Congratulations to Blossom Damania and her lab, including PHCO grad student and co-author, Danielle Chappell, on the publication in Cell Reports of a paper on "High-density amplicon sequencing identifies community spread and ongoing evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in the Southern United States."