Occupational and Physical Therapy
Occupational and Physical therapy work with patients who have suffered burns to rehabilitate their physical functioning and prevent scar contractures and other complications.
Our therapists specialize in burn rehabilitation and work closely with the burn center team and help burn survivors regain optimal motion, strength and function.
The occupational therapy staff provides treatment to patients in the hospital and in the burn clinic who have the need for hand therapy, splinting, self-care retraining, face and neck stretching, scar massage, upper extremity stretching and functional improvement. Our team of registered and licensed occupational therapists and certified and licensed occupational therapy assistants has the experience and expertise in hand therapy for the burn survivor and in creative splinting techniques to meet the many and varied needs of the burn population. Further, we provide compression therapy for vascular support of burned clients which helps reduce the uncomfortable symptoms associated with healed burns.
If you need to talk to an occupational therapist, please call 984-974-1574. We are located inside the North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center on the fifth floor of UNC Hospitals and are part of UNCH’s OT/PT department.
If you need to talk to a physical therapist, please call 984-974-1575.