Dr. Todd Schwartz is Named Associate Chair for the Department of Biostatistics December 11, 2023 Dr. Schwartz is a TARC faculty member and Co-Director of the NIAMS-funded Core Center for Clinical Research (CCCR) Methodology Core.
TARC Hosts Sixth Annual “Research Day,” Enabling Researchers to Share and Discuss the Latest Scientific Insights October 16, 2023 The event featured presentations, abstracts and discussion for over 90 Basic, Translational & Clinical Investigators and Trainees.
Dr. Doug Phanstiel is Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure October 4, 2023 Dr. Phanstiel's appointment is in the Department of Cell Biology & Physiology, and he is a faculty member in the Thurston Arthritis Research Center.
Dr. Brian Diekman Receives a $3.1 Million NIH Grant to Investigate the Role of DNA Damage & Cellular Senescence in Osteoarthritis Pathophysiology September 21, 2023 The 5-year grant is funded through the National Institute of Health's (NIH); National Institute on Aging (NIA).
Drs. Rivadeneira & Ishizawar are Interviewed by Arthritis Foundation for a Story Highlighting Telemedicine Program for Rural Arthritis Patients July 25, 2023 The program involves telemedicine consults that include the patient, their local provider, and one or more UNC rheumatologists.
Dr. Abigail Gilbert Speaks to Healio Rheumatology About Exercise and “Hurt vs. Harm” Misconceptions for Osteoarthritis (OA) Patients June 30, 2023 In the article, Dr. Gilbert discusses the need to clearly communicate the benefits of exercise for osteoarthritis patients, as well as knowing when to push through pain or scale back.
Dr. Lara Longobardi Publishes Research on Chemokine Receptor-2 Role within Osteoblasts, in the Context of Osteoarthritis June 8, 2023 The paper was recently published in Biomolecules Journal.
Dr. Richard Loeser, Along with co-PI Dr. Ken Pearce, Receives Rheumatology Research Foundation (RRF) Innovative Research Award to Explore Small Molecule Discovery for Disease Modification in Osteoarthritis (OA) June 6, 2023 The RRF's "Innovative Research Award" is a 2-year grant of $400,000.
Dr. Katie Yates is Inducted into the UNC Academy of Educators June 6, 2023 Dr. Yates is a rheumatology fellow in the UNC Division of Rheumatology, Allergy & Immunology.
Dr. Abigail Gilbert is Interviewed by Healio Rheumatology; “Pain is Normal. The Frustrating Present/Possible Future of Osteoarthritis (OA) Treatment.” May 31, 2023 Dr. Gilbert emphasized that physical activity and weight loss are key for patients with OA, and we need more ways to support their success with this challenging aspect of disease management.