Leon Coleman, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and a member of the Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies, is part of a team selected as finalists for UNC’s 2024 Creativity Hubs seeding-funding competition awarded by the UNC Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research. Also on the team are Benjamin Vincent, Associate Professor of Hematology and Director of the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, and Daniel Dominguez, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology. Their project is The MHC Project: Revolutionizing Cancer Therapy by Total Sequencing of the MHC Peptidome.
Coleman’s team is among five Creativity Hubs finalists. Creativity Hubs awardees receive proposal development assistance from the Office of Research Development to pursue large-scale, follow-on awards that build from the program’s funding. Creativity Hubs winning projects are expected to lead to large-scale extramural funding and/or commercial opportunities. Learm more here.