The Director is allocated first.
All remaining permits are assigned first to tenured and tenure-track
faculty and then to other permanent staff based on duration of total
state service. There is no distinction made between EHRA research faculty
and SHRA staff. The Director will exercise his or her authority to make
adjustments to this policy as needed to ensure all tenured and tenure-track
faculty have a permit. Thus, staff members and research faculty (EHRA fixed-term)
who are at or near the bottom of the center’s total state service list may
be displaced by a tenure-track or tenured faculty member.
Postdoctoral fellows will continue to receive their permits through the Transportation
and Parking Office and not via their home departments. Permits are drawn from
a lottery and then assigned strictly by total state service. If no assignment is made,
you can elect to be placed on a waiting list. Postdocs are eligible only for the CD
and S11 zones.
Graduate students will continue to be eligible to participate in the campus-wide
lottery. These permits are assigned directly from the Transportation and Parking Office.
Again, if no assignment is made, you can elect to be placed on a waiting list.
All full-time employees, postdocs and students who DO NOT possess an on-campus
parking assignment are eligible and encouraged to apply for a CAP (Commuter
Alternative Program) permit, which will allow you to park in designated Park-and-Ride lots
in Carrboro/Chapel Hill and surrounding areas. Permits are required for Park-and-Ride lots
in Chapel Hill and Carrboro but not for ones farther afield. These permits can be obtained
through the CAP website.
Link to Commuter Alternative Program:
For additional parking information go to the Transportation and Parking homepage: