Assistant Professor
GECO Committee member
(PhD – University of Florida)
Dr. Nikea Pittman, PhD, is a Teaching Assistant Professor. She combines knowledge in structural biology, virology, and pedagogy to design courses that are student-centered. To increase “training in teaching” within School of Medicine, grad students/postdocs/staff may join as teaching assistants. Her lab collects evidence to identify best practices in STEM higher education. The Pittman Teaching Lab helps scientists understand how to increase success in training the next generation. This is accomplished by (1) using evidence-based methods to develop new learning activities, and (2) integrating student voices in the design process. With a focus on early career, we help undergraduates, grad students, and postdocs engage in supportive learning communities.
Research in undergrad education
- Early interventions to teach protein structure/function
- Sense of belonging in biochemistry
- 3D-Modeling, creativity, and hands-on learning
- Peer-teaching and small group discussion
Research in biomedical training
- Methods to empower early career scientists
- Social justice discussions in graduate education
- Networks of support for marginalized scientists
- Using social media to advance inclusion in STEM
- Introductory biochemistry
- Pre-nursing/allied-health (undergrad)
- BIOC107 and BIOC108
- Online, asynchronous only
- Coil Director in Biochemistry
- First-year medical students
- TEC 2.0 curriculum
- Teaching assistants
- Build skills in online teaching & course planning
- Undergrad courses in Fall/Spring
- Full or partial semester
- CourseSource Writing Studio, 2022
- Burroughs Wellcome Fund PDEP Awardee, 2021
- Diversity Award Recipient, UNC Office of the Provost, 2021
- SPIRE Postdoctoral Scholar, NIH K12 IRACDA Program, 2019
Office: 3090 Genetic Medicine
120 Mason Farm Road, CB# 7260
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7260