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Associate Professor

Research: RNA binding proteins, Gene regulation, mRNA Decay, Hemato-Immunology, Mouse models, Biochemistry

Associate Professor, Community and Engagement Committee Member – Professional Success
UNC RNA Discovery Center, Co-Director of RNA Binding Proteins

(MD – University of Campinas, Brazil; PhD – University of Sao Paolo, Brazil)



Relational Leadership Institute training badge 2024

standard safe zone trainingSilvia has completed Safe Zone training and has pledged to affirm the identities of and provide resources to people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions.

text "RNA Discovery Center" image of 5 circles off a stickIn August 2019, Dr. Ramos was named the new Diversity Liaison for Biochemistry & Biophysics. In addition, Dr. Ramos served as the BCBP Diversity Committee chair from 2019 to January. 2022. She served as the Vice-President APWIMS (Association for Professional Women in Medical Sciences) from 2019 to 2020. Currently, she is as a member of one of the Community and Engagement Committees in the department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the School of Medicine. In early 2022, she participated on the creation of the UNC RNA Discovery Center funded through the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center under the leadership of Dr. Chad Pecot. Since then, Dr. Ramos actively participates on the UNC RDC and is the Co-Director of RNA Binding Proteins.


  • Biochemistry & Biophysics