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Respecting All

This workshop explores biased behavior prevalent in the SOM and responses to these acts of disrespect and discrimination.

Asian American mental health

Zoom online meeting

Join The Asian American Center for a virtual discussion on Asian American mental health experiences. UNC CAPS counselors (Susan Chung, Misha Mohan) will provide a short overview of patterns they’ve seen and then open the floor up to students for additional dialogue, suggestions, and generally to create stronger community and awareness of Asian American mental health experiences.

Faculty Mentor Training (TEAM ADVANCE)

Faculty who complete the five-session curriculum will receive formal recognition from TEAM ADVANCE, the Center for Faculty Excellence, and the Office of the Provost.

Faculty Mentor Training (TEAM ADVANCE)

Faculty who complete the five-session curriculum will receive formal recognition from TEAM ADVANCE, the Center for Faculty Excellence, and the Office of the Provost.

Blood Done Sign My Name-theatrical performance

Friday Center 100 Friday Center Drive, Chapel Hill, United States

Join us on Feb 27 for Blood Done Sign My Name, a theatrical performance from Mike Wiley Productions that offers all of us an opportunity to examine our own roles in the complex and often confusing racial fabric of America. Advance registration requested. Sponsor: UNC-Chapel Hill Digital and Lifelong Learning

Standard Safe Zone training

Standard Safe Zone covers the concepts mentioned above, as well as campus climate data, campus achievement disparities, common allyship scenarios. This training is intended to address concerns particular to students, faculty, and staff members.

Unconscious Bias Awareness

This workshop explores unintended/implicit bias and introduces foundational concepts that are necessary to additional engagement with DEI-related topics and issues.