Week of Events
Mindful Monday Meditation
Mindful Monday Meditation
Take advantage of self-compassion meditation sessions provided by School of Medicine and dedicate time to self-nurture. Mindfulness and self-compassion meditations assist with stress reduction, mental flexibility and even resilience. Sessions are 30-minutes every Monday led by Jonny Gerkin.
BCBP Student Thesis Defense: James Fay (Kabanov lab)
BCBP Student Thesis Defense: James Fay (Kabanov lab)
James Fay (student of Dr. Sasha Kabanov) Title: "The Nanoformulation of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Reformulation with PEG-free Polymers" Date/location: Wednesday, July 20th at 10am; Bioinformatics 1131/Zoom
Protein Design talks
Protein Design talks
On July 20, Join David Baker (9 PM ET), Brian Kuhlman (9:30 PM ET) & Zibo Chen when they discuss Protein Design and Synthetic Biology. Register for free. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9SDgMjegQ0eCKuRjKsfcOQ ALT text: Cell Press. Protein Design and Synthetic Biology. Westlake Laboratory - Cell Live. July 21 (GMT +8) 09:00-11:00 GMT Organized by Cell Press, Westlake … Read more