Week of Events
BCBP Seminar: Kathryn Gunn PhD (UNC)
BCBP Seminar: Kathryn Gunn PhD (UNC)
Research in Progress seminar: Kathryn Gunn, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow in Neher Lab Talk title “A New Mechanism for Lipase Regulation: Quaternary Structure”
MLK Jr. Lecture and Awards Ceremony
MLK Jr. Lecture and Awards Ceremony
The MLK Lecture and Awards Ceremony is the largest event of the Week of Celebration. It includes performances and entertainment by various student organizations and features a nationally recognized keynote speaker. Previous keynote speakers include journalist Soledad O’Brien, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, former NAACP President/activist Benjamin Jealous, professor/author/radio host Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, social activist/author/co-creator of Black Lives Matter Patrisse Cullors, and many more since its inception over 40 years ago.
The Lecture and Awards Ceremony will also include the presentation of the MLK UNC Student Scholarship, the Harvey Beech Scholarship, and the MLK Unsung Hero awards.
Grad Student Winter Social
Grad Student Winter Social
Dear BCBP Graduate Students, Please join us for our winter social with hot chocolate and coffee this Friday 1/20 from 2-3pm in GMB 3007 to kick off the start of the spring semester. You won't want to miss this chance to get your own BCBP blanket!! We look forward to welcoming everyone back! BCBP Social Chairs