Week of Events
Upstander training
Upstander training
Our event photos will be posted shortly. This event will be held in GMB 3007 and over Zoom. Just a kind reminder of our upcoming DEI training session, “Becoming an Upstander”, scheduled for tomorrow from 11am to noon. The training will primarily be conducted via Zoom (link attached below). However, for those who prefer an … Read more
Refreshments before talks
Refreshments before talks
Prior to our new student talks come down to enjoy refreshments and meet our 9 new students joining our program.
BCBP New Student Talks
BCBP New Student Talks
First Year Student Talks As a follow-up to the New Student Talks calendar invite, I have attached and included below the titles of the student presentations. Please join us to welcome our new BCBP students to the department. Refreshments will be available before the event in the Bioinformatics lobby. - Holly Date: Wednesday, May 24 Time: 11am … Read more
Resiliency: Bouncing Back After a Setback
Resiliency: Bouncing Back After a Setback
Available through the UNC HR Carolina Talent Portal. 1 hour webinar. Certain individuals appear to succeed against all odds. Despite severe hardships such as living through war, witnessing the death of a loved one, having a chronic illness, being a victim of abuse or dealing with unemployment, certain people not only adapt but actually thrive. … Read more
Unconscious Bias
4v4 Beach Volleyball Tournament
4v4 Beach Volleyball Tournament
UNC BBSP students are hosting a beach volleyball tournament to raise money to help support the family of our very own Maria Al Haddad (2nd year, BCBP student)! YOU CAN SIGN UP AS A TEAM OR AS A FREE AGENT (and we will assign you to teams once registration is completed). Here are the details: … Read more