10 years ago
SEMINAR: Hui-Kuan Lin, PhD
"New Insights and Strategies for Cancer Therapy"
10 years ago
"New Insights and Strategies for Cancer Therapy"
11 years ago
"On the unusual nucleotide composition of the HIV-1 genome"
11 years ago
“Black Spot, Black Death, Black Pearl: The Tales of Bacterial Effectors"
11 years ago
"Alchemical free energy approaches in ligand refinement and protein engineering"
11 years ago
Postdoc speakers and titles TBD
11 years ago
Seminar title: "Tale of two proteins in control of cellular growth and adhesion"
11 years ago
"How to Write a Histone Code"
11 years ago
"PI 3-Kinase and Cancer Metabolism"
11 years ago
'Unraveling Viral RNA Genomes: one segment at a time"
11 years ago
"Mechanisms of refinement of cortical GABAergic circuits"
11 years ago
"A good place to start: understanding how chromatin structure regulates eukaryotic DNA replication origins using budding yeast "
11 years ago
“Genome and Epigenome Editing with CRISPR/Cas9 Technologies for Gene Therapy, Cell Programming, and Functional Epigenomics”