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Award Program Type: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Title of Project: Regulation and significance of the extended-closed conformation of the platelet AIIbB3 integrins
The Award begins 01/01/2025, and has been approved at the level of funding indicated below:
Period 1 Start Date: 01/01/2025, End Date: 12/31/2025, Total: $77,084.00
Period 2 Start Date: 01/01/2026, End Date: 12/31/2026, Total: $79,556.00

“The purpose is to enhance the training of postdoctoral applicants who are not yet independent. The applicant must be embedded in an appropriate investigative group with the mentorship, support, and relevant scientific guidance of a research mentor. Recognizing the unique challenges that clinicians, in particular, experience in balancing research and clinical activity, this award mechanism aims to be as flexible as possible to enable applicants to develop academic careers in research alongside fulfilling clinical service commitments.”