Membership Criteria
- Faculty appointment at UNC
- Active basic or clinical research program relevant to hemostasis/thrombosis, sickle cell disease and/or transfusion biology
Benefits of Center Membership
- Access to attend BRC-sponsored retreats, lectures, seminars, and journal clubs
- Invitation to apply for BRC intramural grants for pilot projects or as stipulated by a given RFA (not available yet)
- Assistance in public relations (announcement of research and clinical achievements)
- Listed on the BRC’s website and added to listserv for center announcements
- Opportunity to participate in shaping the future of UNC Blood Research Center
- Use of BRC shared resources at discounted rates (not available yet)
- Proposal of new shared resources, which would facilitate and advance new research activities and initiatives within the BRC
- Ability to invite speakers for BRC seminar series
- Present and discuss ongoing research efforts at BRC seminar series and Tuesday lab meetings
- Access to assistance with launching clinical research, such as being partnered with clinicians who can help with integrating bench research with clinical practice. This includes help with Institutional Review Board (IRB) applications.